Legal v Ethics
Legal or Law refers to man made system of rules. Legal is a system established by authority, such as the Government, Organizations or the Societies to determine rights or wrongs, justices and fairness. Legal actions are normally decided by the courts. Ethics are moral principles that govern people’s behaviors. Ethical behaviors are considered as acts of fairness, honesty, equity and integrity. Sometimes, some decision makers face ethical dilemmas and legal consequences when making decisions. People have the ability to observe, identify, instruct, confront and punish. Only God can ascertain right from wrong because God weighs the hearts and intents. The word of God is superb, impartial, same forever and needs no validation and approval. God is the only righteous Judge that has all authority on earth to correct and reproof. Words of God take prominent over Legal and Ethic if applied correctly.
Basic ethics include morals and values based on histories, traditions or knowledge of rights or wrongs. Moral behaviors are conducts learned and accepted by people as standard of principle of right and wrong values.Values or beliefs are actions the Societies or Organizations consider as desirable behaviors. Sometimes non-ethical considerations have strong desires and can make decision makers choose non ethical actions above ethical actions. Another concern regarding ethical principles is that it is possible to value one ethical principle more than others.
Organizations and Institutes have their own core values. When deciding ethical matters or what is right or wrong, most people focus on utilitarianism; utilitarianism is known as consequential theory. The principle of utilitarianism indicates that ethical decisions should be based on maximum benefits and minimum hardships. This theory states actions are right if useful or beneficial to the majority. The importance of ethical value is to balance good consequences above evil for the overall well-being of everyone. Hence, Ethical and Legal decisions are both complex.
Legal consider consequential factors such as harm or benefit to the society or each concerned party. Legal decisions are persuasive authorities and subject to changes. Sometimes legal and ethical decisions conflict with each other. Decision makers seeking for Justice and fairness are then left with the option to evaluate consequence and beneficial outcomes. Decision makers calculate and analyze impact of decisions based on historical consequences and their knowledge. Legal and Ethics are subject to changes. Justice and judgement can be influenced by powerful defense or by high price. And sometimes Ethics interpretation may be partial or considered unreasonable. But the word of God is as is forever.
Whereas “the words of the LORD are pure words as silver tried in a furnace of earth purified seven times according to Psalm 12 verse 6”
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