Recognizing Value
Right value correlates with the right cause.Value is recognized when resources, skills and intelligence are utilized for the right reasons and well-being of the society. Embracing decency and empathy while exercising services lead to intellectual virtue. The question to be bear in mind in anything you do should be; is it to be seen of men or for the good purpose? Value is recognized by focusing on passion and the ability to operate on purposeful activities.
Money doesn’t mean value or contentment. What matters is recognizing the right value. Purpose in life is determined by recognizing right values or goals. There are factors beyond control when determining the right value. Grace and Faith in Christ is very important as what only God can make possible. Without God enablement, purpose is meaningful and sometimes too broad to navigate.
Purpose is recognized when the focus is directed towards relevant not irrelevant things. Anything done with selfish interest cannot be added as the right value. Christ is impressed with bearing good fruits. If a person’s intention is to gain men applause, to steal, kill and destroy, that person has no purpose. Daily lives should be filled with activities that add value to lives. Appropriate skills lead to producing things of value or things that are valuable.
“And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him” (Colossians 3:17 KJV