Welcome to share your stories! Whatever is true, Whatever is noble, Whatever is right Let’s talk:
Whatever is pure, Whatever is lovely, Whatever is admirable, Whatever is excellent, Whatever is worthy of praise, Whatever is edifying, Whatever glorify God
LORD according to your multitude of mercies and loving kindnesses, have compassion on your children, redeem and carry them all days and seasons In Jesus Name.
Imagine the unspeakable gift of God to all men EXCEEDINGLY. God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is mentioned daily to great extent. He never tired of so many calls and requests or changed because of attitudes, flaws or irrelevancies. Christ marvelously and gracefully lavishes his love daily upon all. Christ expects you to think… Read more
God’s love is unconditional: God’s love for us does not depend on what we do or not. God loves us before we were born. God’s love is forever. Therefore, is not limited to times, factors and events. God is not careless about us but is concern about us. Though God’s love is unconditional, he is… Read more
Don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says.’ James 1:22 NLT When we study the Bible, we can’t just stop at reading it. We need to then put what we’ve read into practice. To grow and become more mature, we need to obey what God says. ’Don’t just listen to God’s… Read more
God has all the answers. You may not know or feel it. Wordily things are not the matters in life. God knows you more than you know your self. You are uniquely created. God possessed your reins while in your mother’s womb. You are you nobody else. Knowing and assuring Christ justified you by faith… Read more
Jesus said to Peter “feed my sheep” Peter was grieved because Jesus said it repeated. “Love thou me” three times. Jesus said for you to show you love me, feed my sheep. Believers are referred to as sheep throughout scripture. Sheep in the sense; for He is believers’ God , believers are his pasture, and… Read more
God is worthy to be Praised. Among other reasons to praise God is because God is good and his mercy towards all. God is dependable to who depends on Him. God is there always; He is the greatest lover at all times. He is there at all situations and circumstances. He is there during war, pandemic,… Read more
There is no doubt God loves everyone perfectly. God’s love for us is perfect or completed. God’s love cannot be measured. God’s love is unconditional. Many people who experience God’s perfect love daily never thought of loving God back. God is a God who loves everyone. “Agape Love” God loves everyone even those who doesn’t love HIM and… Read more
Reflect Godly love in small decisions you make and actions you perform daily. Inspire yourself daily. Reject bad behavior and seek peace with all men if possible. 1 Timothy 1:5The goal of our instruction is the love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and a sincere faith.
The Bible says “He said also to the man who had invited him, When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return and you be repaid. ” But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and… Read more